I finally finished Handsome's sweater a few weeks ago that I started in late September. He much prefers to use the sweaters I knit him instead of a coat. Which makes me a happy knitter and inspires me to knit him another one. Well after I knit myself a cardigan that is. I will give a peak as soon as I get it going. I have also started to knit for a charity and I will be starting a pair of slippers and a hat for them asap. All this makes me a happy knitter for the rest of the winter.
I also finished my 3ds' mustache cowl. He is happy with it other than being a bit itchy. I learned that if you take a itchy wool garment and stick it in the freezer for at least 24 hours it suppose to take the itchiness out of it. I will have to have Noah stick it in the freezer today and we will test it out for you all and give our opinion. [o=
I am going to do my best to break down into bite size pieces ( pun intended [o=) what I have been learning in my "Journey to Better Health". I have been mulling over what are some of the basics I want to share first. And bone broth is one of the foundations of good health that has been very neglected in our fast paced modern lives. If you don't incorporate this age old skill please do and you won't regret it. This super food has healed my gut and is healing my teeth. ( I will go into the teeth part in the near future)
A Side note ( thereason I am on a side note is because I used a lot of bone broth in my journey of eating the GAPS way) and a sneak preview of a future topic...I really recommend the GAPS diet for those who are dealing with...
acid reflux
acne (typical and cystic)
adrenal burnout
anger, unfounded
appetite issues (excessively small or large)
attention deficit (with or without hyperactivity) disorder
It is a diet a person is typically on for 18 months to 2 years. ( some less some more) I personally only had to go on it for 6 months. I am now on a modified version to continue to heal my teeth.
If you have a lot of digestive problems I cannot recommend enough to go check out the GAPS diet. I followed that diet and have healed my adrenal gland fatigue, food allergies, some digestive issues. Now back to the issue of broth.
Benefits of Gelatinous Broth
Bone broths help with detoxification. ( Go HERE to read up on this!)
aids digestion by rendering digestive juices more effective by attracting them to itself. It has been found successful in treating digestive disorders such as IBS, colitis, and even Crohn’s disease. Gelatin is a hydrophilic colloid, which means that it attracts and holds liquids, it facilitates digestion by attracting digestive juices to food in the gut.
Anemia and other blood disorders respond to gelatin in the diet.
It is indispensable when a stomach flu makes its way around as it can slow and stop diarrhea when small amounts are consumed every few minutes. Unlike anti-diarrhea medicine from the pharmacy which just masks symptoms, gelatin actually goes to the root of the problem and facilitates healing. It does this by neutralizing whatever intestinal poison is causing the problem.
Glycine in gelatin helps normalize liver function.
Rich homemade chicken broths help cure colds.
Stock contains minerals in a form the body can absorb easily—not just calcium but also magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals.
It contains the broken down material from cartilage and tendons--stuff like chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain.
Broth and soup made with fishheads and carcasses provide iodine and thyroid-strengthening substances.
Acts as a protein sparer, helping the poor stretch a few morsels of meat into a complete meal.
Helps strengthen and repair bones and teeth.
Helps with alleviate achy joints.
Gelatin was found to be useful in the treatment of a long list of diseases including peptic ulcers, tuberculosis, diabetes, muscle diseases, infectious diseases, jaundice and cancer.
Babies had fewer digestive problems when gelatin was added to their milk.
Some of you are asking where I have been and if I am okay. I am. Really I think I have been at the best place I have been in a long time. I am sitting at the Lord's feet. I have asked the Lord for healing and he has been teaching so much that I have been having a hard time keeping up. I keep hoping to sit down and write out what He has been teaching but I go a bit blank when I sit down to write. Not because I don't have anything to share but I freeze because I get overwhelmed on how to share all that I have learned. I know, I know I just need to pick one thing and share it and go to the next. I promise I will really start on this this coming week. I have my subject now I need to pray and ask the Lord how He wants me to share it. I want to give Him ALL the glory for He is the one who answered my prayers and gave me the wisdom.
As you know not too to long ago I said I was ready to come back and blog well the Lord keeps giving me so much to learn that I have been silent. I have been silent because I keep learning so much and then mull over what He has been showing and teaching me. Then I have to admit some doubt creeps in because in some ways all that He has been showing me is counter culture. I sometimes get very tired of being different but we are called to be peculiar people, a people set apart. The battle of the flesh gets in the way sometimes. Nothing I have been learning goes against scripture so all is good. There is a powerful message I want to share where the Lord is stretching me right now.